Results for 'Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zviglyanich'

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  1.  6
    Contemporary Bourgeois Legal Thought: A Marxist Evaluation of the Basic Concepts.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov - 1974 - Progress Publishers.
  2. Teorii︠a︡ prostranstva.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fok - 1955
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  3. Teorii︠a︡ prostranstva, vremeni i ti︠a︡gotenii︠a︡.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fok - 1961
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    (1 other version)The theory of space, time and gravitation.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fok - 1959 - New York,: Pergamon Press.
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  5. Theorie von Raum, Zeit und Gravitation.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fok - 1960 - Berlin,: Akademie Verlag.
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    K vseobshcheĭ svobode cherez vseobshchui︠u︡ kulʹturu: k nauchnoĭ organizat︠s︡ii obshchestva.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Grebenshchikov - 2014 - Moskva: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    Filosofskiĭ obraz nashego vremeni: (bezzhiznennye miry postchelovechestva).Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kutyrev - 2006 - Smolensk: Smolenskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Ėsteticheskoe vospitanie.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Razumnyĭ - 1969 - Moskva,: "Myslʹ,".
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  9. Ėsteticheskoe vospitanie v semʹe: sbornik stateĭ.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Razumnyi (ed.) - 1966 - Moskva: Iskusstvo.
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    A burzsoá jogi ideológia: a jogi tanok kritikája.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov - 1977 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ teorii prava.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov - 1957 - Moskva,: Gos izd-vo i︠y︡rud. lit-ry.
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  12. Protiv sovremennoĭ pravovoĭ ideologii imperializma.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov - 1962 - Moskva,: Izd-vo inostrannoĭ lit-ry.
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  13. Sovremennai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ politiko-pravovai︠a︡ ideologii︠a︡: kriticheskiĭ analiz.N. I. Koziubra, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov, Vladimir Konstantinovich Zabigailo & Instytut Derzhavy I. Prava Rsr) (eds.) - 1985 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  14. Kratkiĭ slovarʹ po e̊stetike.Mikhail Fedotovich Ovsiannikov & Vladimir Aleksandrovich Razumnyi (eds.) - 1963 - Moskva,: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  15. Ėvristicheskai︠a︡ i metodologicheskai︠a︡ funkt︠s︡ii filosofii v nauchnom poznanii.Gennadii Alekseevich Podkorytov & Vladimir Aleksandrovich Asseev (eds.) - 1980 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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    Istoki iskusstva v svete generalizovannoĭ trudovoĭ teorii antroposot︠s︡iokulʹturogeneza.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Voront︠s︡ov - 2018 - Kazanʹ: T︠S︡entr innovat︠s︡ionnykh tekhnologiĭ.
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  17. Logiko-gnoseologicheskie i sot︠s︡ialʹnye aspekty kategorii vidimosti i sushchnosti.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zvigli︠a︡nich - 1980 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Nauchnoe poznanie kak kulʹturno istoricheskiĭ prot︠s︡ess.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zvigli︠a︡nich - 1989 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Social Factors in the Digital Government Formation in Russia.Vladimir Petrovich, Natalia Gennadievna & Yury Aleksandrovich - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):317-326.
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    Vladimir Aleksandrovich Smirnov.V. L. Vasi︠u︡kov (ed.) - 2010 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡).
    Книга посвящена анализу идей В. А. Смирнова, выдающегося отечественного философа и логика, создателя российской логической школы, основателя новых направлений в логике, эпистемологии и философии науки. Для философов, логиков, специалистов.
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  21. In Memoriam: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Smirnov 1931–1996.V. L. Vasyukov - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (3):371-372.
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    Smirnov Vladimir Alexandrovich.Владимир Шалак - 2024 - Philosophical Anthropology 10 (1):167.
    Smirnov Vladimir Alexandrovich is an outstanding Soviet and Russian philosopher and logician. His main areas of interest were syllogistics, Vasiliev's logic, proof theory, modal-temporal logics, logic and methodology of science. The result of his scientific and pedagogical activity was the emergence of an independent school of logic, which is strongly associated with his name. His numerous students currently continue to work in various fields of logic, continuing the traditions of their teacher. V.A. Smirnov's editorial and scientific publishing activities contributed (...)
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    Philosophical Logic and Logical Philosophy.V. A. Smirnov, P. I. Bystrov & V. N. Sadovskii - 1996 - Springer.
    Vladimir Aleksandrovich Smirnov was born on March 2, 1931. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1954. From 1957 till 1961 he was a lecturer in philosophy and logic at the Tomsk University. Since 1961 his scientific activity continued in Moscow at the Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. From 1970 and till the last days of his life V. A. Smirnov was lecturer and then Professor at the Chair of Logic at Moscow State (...)
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    The Russian cosmists: the esoteric futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and his followers.George M. Young - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The spiritual geography of Russian cosmism. General characteristics ; Recent definitions of cosmism -- Forerunners of Russian cosmism. Vasily Nazarovich Karazin (1773-1842) ; Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (1749-1802) ; Poets: Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, (1711-1765) and Gavriila Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) ; Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803-1869) ; Aleksander Vasilyevich Sukhovo-Kobylin (1817-1903) -- The Russian philosophical context. Philosophy as a passion ; The destiny of Russia ; Thought as a call for action ; The totalitarian cast of mind -- The religious and (...)
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  25. From Perceptual Categories to Concepts: What Develops?Vladimir M. Sloutsky - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (7):1244-1286.
    People are remarkably smart: They use language, possess complex motor skills, make nontrivial inferences, develop and use scientific theories, make laws, and adapt to complex dynamic environments. Much of this knowledge requires concepts and this study focuses on how people acquire concepts. It is argued that conceptual development progresses from simple perceptual grouping to highly abstract scientific concepts. This proposal of conceptual development has four parts. First, it is argued that categories in the world have different structure. Second, there might (...)
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  26. Tools, Objects, and Chimeras: Connes on the Role of Hyperreals in Mathematics.Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail G. Katz & Thomas Mormann - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (2):259-296.
    We examine some of Connes’ criticisms of Robinson’s infinitesimals starting in 1995. Connes sought to exploit the Solovay model S as ammunition against non-standard analysis, but the model tends to boomerang, undercutting Connes’ own earlier work in functional analysis. Connes described the hyperreals as both a “virtual theory” and a “chimera”, yet acknowledged that his argument relies on the transfer principle. We analyze Connes’ “dart-throwing” thought experiment, but reach an opposite conclusion. In S , all definable sets of reals are (...)
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  27. Fearful apes or nervous goats? Another look at functions of dispositions or traits.Vladimir Krstić - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e68.
    In his article, Grossmann argues that, in the context of human cooperative caregiving, heightened fearfulness in children and human sensitivity to fear in others are adaptive traits. I offer and briefly defend a rival hypothesis: Heightened fearfulness among infants and young children is a maladaptive trait that did not get deselected in the process of evolution because human sensitivity to fear in others mitigates its disadvantageous effects to a sufficient extent.
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  28. Rules of inference with parameters for intuitionistic logic.Vladimir V. Rybakov - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):912-923.
    An algorithm recognizing admissibility of inference rules in generalized form (rules of inference with parameters or metavariables) in the intuitionistic calculus H and, in particular, also in the usual form without parameters, is presented. This algorithm is obtained by means of special intuitionistic Kripke models, which are constructed for a given inference rule. Thus, in particular, the direct solution by intuitionistic techniques of Friedman's problem is found. As a corollary an algorithm for the recognition of the solvability of logical equations (...)
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    A definable nonstandard model of the reals.Vladimir Kanovei & Saharon Shelah - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):159-164.
    We prove, in ZFC,the existence of a definable, countably saturated elementary extension of the reals.
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    Aesthetic Trinity Theory and the Sublime.Vladimir J. Konečni - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (1):64-73.
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    Mathematics and the roots of postmodern thought.Vladimir Tasić - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a charming and insightful contribution to an understanding of the "Science Wars" between postmodernist humanism and science, driving toward a resolution of the mutual misunderstanding that has driven the controversy. It traces the root of postmodern theory to a debate on the foundations of mathematics early in the 20th century, then compares developments in mathematics to what took place in the arts and humanities, discussing issues as diverse as literary theory, arts, and artificial intelligence. This is a straightforward, (...)
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  32. Materializm ă empiriokritisizm.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin - 1968
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    Countable OD sets of reals belong to the ground model.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):285-298.
    It is true in the Cohen, Solovay-random, dominaning, and Sacks generic extension, that every countable ordinal-definable set of reals belongs to the ground universe. It is true in the Solovay collapse model that every non-empty OD countable set of sets of reals consists of \ elements.
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    Definable minimal collapse functions at arbitrary projective levels.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):266-289.
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    Electrophysiological and phenomenological effects of short-term immersion in an altered sensory environment.Vladimir Miskovic, Jeffrey O. Bagg, Matthew Ríos & Jourdan J. Pouliot - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:39-49.
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    Construction of an Explicit Basis for Rules Admissible in Modal System S4.Vladimir V. Rybakov - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (4):441-446.
    We find an explicit basis for all admissible rules of the modal logic S4. Our basis consists of an infinite sequence of rules which have compact and simple, readable form and depend on increasing set of variables. This gives a basis for all quasi-identities valid in the free modal algebra ℱS4 of countable rank.
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    Counterexamples to countable-section Π 2 1 uniformization and Π 3 1 separation.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (3):262-283.
  38. Manipulation, deception, the victim’s reasoning and her evidence.Vladimir Krstić - 2024 - Analysis 84 (2):267-275.
    This paper rejects an argument defending the view that the boundary between deception and manipulation is such that some manipulations intended to cause false beliefs count as non-deceptive. On the strongest version of this argument, if a specific behaviour involves compromising the victim’s reasoning, then the behaviour is manipulative but not deceptive, and if it involves exposing the victim to misleading evidence that justifies her false belief, then it is deceptive but not manipulative. This argument has been consistently used as (...)
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    Definable E 0 classes at arbitrary projective levels.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (9):851-871.
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    A new axiomatization of Jaśkowski's discussive logic.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 2001 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 9:35.
    In 1995 N. C. A. da Costa and F. Doria proposed the modaltype elegant axiomatization of Jaśkowski’s discussive logic D2. Yet his ownproblem which was formulated in 1975 in a following way: Is it possible toformulate natural and simple axiomatization for D2, employing classical disjunction and conjunction along with discussive implication and conjunctionas the only primitive connectives? — still seems left open. The matter of factis there are some axiomatizations of D2 proposed, e.g., by T. Furmanowski, J. Kotas and N. (...)
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    The single-conclusion proof logic and inference rules specification.Vladimir N. Krupski - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):181-206.
    The logic of single-conclusion proofs () is introduced. It combines the verification property of proofs with the single valuedness of proof predicate and describes the operations on proofs induced by modus ponens rule and proof checking. It is proved that is decidable, sound and complete with respect to arithmetical proof interpretations based on single-valued proof predicates. The application to arithmetical inference rules specification and -admissibility testing is considered. We show that the provability in gives the complete admissibility test for the (...)
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    On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules.Vladimir V. Rybakov, Vladimir R. Kiyatkin & Tahsin Oner - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):505-520.
    Our investigation is concerned with the finite model property with respect to admissible rules. We establish general sufficient conditions for absence of fmp w. r. t. admissibility which are applicable to modal logics containing K4: Theorem 3.1 says that no logic λ containing K4 with the co-cover property and of width > 2 has fmp w. r. t. admissibility. Surprisingly many, if not to say all, important modal logics of width > 2 are within the scope of this theorem–K4 itself, (...)
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    The Establishment of Petrine-Pushkinian Russia: A Philosophical Perspective.Vladimir K. Kantor - 2019 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 57 (3):228-240.
    The Petrine-Pushkinian era lasted no more than two hundred years. It originated at the Battle of Poltava, where Russian troops first showed themselves not just equal to the Swedes, who were otherwi...
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    Early information processing biases in social anxiety.Vladimir Miskovic & Louis A. Schmidt - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):176-185.
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    An Ulm-type classification theorem for equivalence relations in Solovay model.Vladimir Kanovei - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1333-1351.
    We prove that in the Solovay model, every OD equivalence relation, E, over the reals, either admits an OD reduction to the equality relation on the set of all countable (of length $ ) binary sequences, or continuously embeds E 0 , the Vitali equivalence. If E is a Σ 1 1 (resp. Σ 1 2 ) relation then the reduction above can be chosen in the class of all ▵ 1 (resp. ▵ 2 ) functions. The proofs are based (...)
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    The full basis theorem does not imply analytic wellordering.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102929.
  47. Some Sketchy Notes on the Reaper Argument.Vladimir Marko - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (3):361-387.
    The paper deals with the possible readings of The Reaper Argument premisses. Some conjectures related to the Stoics’ alleged proof of the argument are discussed.
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  48. Paraconsistency in Categories: Case of Relevance Logic.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (3):429-443.
    Categorical-theoretic semantics for the relevance logic is proposed which is based on the construction of the topos of functors from a relevant algebra (considered as a preorder category endowed with the special endofunctors) in the category of sets Set. The completeness of the relevant system R of entailment is proved in respect to the semantic considered.
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    Some Aspects of Understanding Mathematical Reality: Existence, Platonism, Discovery.Vladimir Drekalović - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):313-333.
    The sum of all objects of a science, the objects’ features and their mutual relations compose the reality described by that sense. The reality described by mathematics consists of objects such as sets, functions, algebraic structures, etc. Generally speaking, the use of terms reality and existence, in relation to describing various objects’ characteristics, usually implies an employment of physical and perceptible attributes. This is not the case in mathematics. Its reality and the existence of its objects, leaving aside its application, (...)
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    The Prospects of the Mankind in the Era of Technological Singularity.Vladimir S. Smolin - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (2):192-207.
    The book by Max Tegmark draws attention to the dangers and benefits that await humanity as a result of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies development. Cosmologist and astrophysicist Tegmark, realizing the impossibility to predict the AI development, offers exciting scenarios of civilization development options for tens, thousands, millions and billions of years. The analysis of the opposite scenarios is aimed at the idea formation that the consequences of creating a general AI, superior to the human level, will be more significant (...)
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